# Writing Errors Code List <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/d5Hj_C5zFe8?si=1VAi2tGO9cZbtsZP" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> > [!NOTE] Title > The list below are some of the common types of errors writers make when writing an academic text. - AGREE↔ [[Subject-verb agreement]] - AP↔[[Apostrophe]] missing or unnecessary - APA↔APA issues (See [[Plagiarism]], [[UAA Plagiarism Policy ELT 2023]] & [[APA Guide]].) - ART↔[[Article (determiner)]] is missing, unnecessary, or incorrect - BH→either boosting or hedging too much - Refer to [[Boosting vs. Hedging]]. - CA↔[[Capitalization]] either necessary or missing - CN↔Poor [Text Cohesion](Text%20Cohesion.html?isPin=false) - See [[Written Discourse]]. - CR↔Poor [Text Coherence](Text%20Coherence.html?isPin=false) - See [[Written Discourse]]. - CS↔Comma Splice #[[Comma Splice]] - FRAG↔Sentence Fragment #[[Sentence Fragment]] - GS↔ misuse of [[Gender-specific (or bias) language]]. - MEAL↔Improper body paragraph development (See [[MEAL Plan]].) - MO↔Overuse of [[Modal verbs]] (e.g., "can") - MW↔[[Missing word(s)]] - OW↔Overuse of direct repetition of word(s) - See [[Written Discourse]]. - PREP↔Wrong preposition - See [[Preposition]]. - PRO↔[[Pronouns]] are incorrect (gender-based or overused), not necessary, or antecedent is unclear - See [[Written Discourse]]. - RO↔[[Run-on sentence]] - SP↔Spelling error - SS↔Sentence structure error - See [[Common Sentence Patterns in English]]. - TP↔Stay in the third person. - See [[First, second, and third person]]. - UN↔Improper paragraph alignment or main idea is unclear - - See [[Written Discourse]]. - VT↔verb tense (time) is incorrect - See [[Written Discourse]]. - VF↔verb phrase formation is incorrect - WF↔word form (part of speech) is incorrect - WO↔[[Word order]] in sentence is incorrect - WC↔Word choice - meaning is intelligible but awkward, unconventional, or atypical - WW↔Wrong word(s) - meaning is incorrect or unintelligible - WP↔Wrong or missing [[Punctuation]]